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Bernice Saroni finally shares truth about divorce from hubby & relationship with Samidoh

US-based Kenyan music promoter, Bernice Saroni, a close friend of Edday Nderitu, recently opened up about her relationship with Samidoh and addressed rumors regarding her involvement in the alleged separation between Samidoh and his wife.

In an interview with Obinna on October 23, Bernice clarified her connection with Samidoh and the reasons behind her relocation to the U.S.

Bernice began by sharing her journey to the U.S., explaining that she moved to the country in November 2018 with her four children after experiencing marital difficulties with her husband.

READ MORE: ‘Nilikua nashika mimba naenda US kuzaa’ – Bernice Saroni explains how all her kids became American citizens

She emphasised that her husband was supportive of her decision, as it was deemed in the best interest of their children.

Divorce is a challenging experience, and Bernice reflected on the impact it had on her children and her mental health.

The separation affected her children, who were accustomed to seeing their parents together. It was a significant adjustment for them.

Addressing rumors about her romantic involvement with Samidoh, Bernice firmly stated that they are family and not romantically linked.

She stressed her aversion to dating married men and maintained that it is taboo for her to date family members, including Samidoh.

READ MORE: Bernice Saroni denies fuelling Edday, Samidoh split

Bernice also expressed her belief that people too readily assume romantic involvement when they see a man and a woman together.

Regarding the allegations that arose after Samidoh’s performance in the US, during which he and Bernice were spotted together, she clarified that their interactions were work-related.

Samidoh is a musician, and the time spent together was part of their professional collaboration. Bernice underlined that Samidoh had his separate accommodation.

Bernice also addressed the assertion that she had played a part in the separation of Samidoh and Edday.

She firmly stated that she had no involvement in the couple’s marital issues. She conveyed her affection for Edday, emphasising that they are close, and asserted that her primary concern was Edday’s well-being and happiness.

Bernice stressed that she is not Samidoh’s wife and has no authority to advise Edday about her marriage.

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Furthermore, Bernice dismissed the notion of having any ongoing conflict with Karen Nyamu, another woman linked to Samidoh.

She clarified that she was not aware of any ongoing disputes with Karen, but she expressed her disapproval of the concept of ‘side chicks’ in relationships.


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