Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeHenry Desagu Reveals the Highest Amount He Made from YouTube After Hitting...

Henry Desagu Reveals the Highest Amount He Made from YouTube After Hitting Up to 10 Million Views per Video

Henry Desagu, popularly known as the Prince of Mwihoko, has become a notable figure in the Kenyan digital entertainment scene.

In a recent interview with Obinna TV, Desagu shared insights into his financial success on YouTube, revealing that the highest amount he has earned in a single month is sh 400,000.

“The highest per month is sH 400,000 ,” Desagu disclosed, attributing this impressive income to the viral success of his videos, some of which have garnered up to 10 million views each.

However, Desagu clarified that YouTube’s payment system is more complex than many might think. It’s not just about the number of views a video gets.

“Watu wengi hawajuangi vile YouTube hua ina pay… Because sometimes inadepend na length ya video…umefanya video ngapi hii season…zimewatchiwa aje thus watchtime…and then a times kunatokeanga statictics worldwide unaambiwa vile mtu akiwa Kenya si vile mwenye ako nje ya Kenya analipwa,” he explained.

YouTube considers various factors, including the length of the video, watch time, and the number of videos produced during a certain period.

Additionally, the geographical location of viewers affects earnings, with different regions yielding different advertising rates.

Despite his success on YouTube, Desagu emphasized that his primary income source is advertising, not solely relying on YouTube revenue.

Desagu’s journey to YouTube fame was fueled by relentless self-promotion and innovative content creation.

He consistently marketed his channel across all social media platforms, urging his followers to subscribe and support his work.

The content on Desagu’s YouTube channel revolves around relatable and humorous portrayals of daily life struggles.

“We used to do a small script to keep up with Desagu, and then we created a character named Desagu, which was jamaa anagrow Mwihoko hajaoa na hana kazi permanent ni basically about struggles of what we are going through, on a daily basis,” he shared.


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