The man every woman wants


    We’ve all seen him. That guy who makes every woman go weak at the knees. Not just a good looking smooth talker, he’s for real. Other men look up to him in awe and respect, and every woman wants him.

    It starts with his principles. He really does have morals, and he follows them. Like he would never con someone, or have sex with a girl who’s too drunk to resist. And he applies those beliefs equally to himself and to others.

    So because he’d be annoyed if his girlfriend looked at other men, he doesn’t look at other women. And he keeps his promises: both big, “I’ll be faithful,” and small, “I’ll be there at eight.”  No matter what.

    Ruthless professional, savage with incompetents, he’s somehow courteous to all. Respectful, warm and caring to all his loved ones, and a tower of strength to his wife or girlfriend.

    He’s gracious, charming, well dressed — and very intimidating. Never rude or arrogant, he has an air of authority that won’t tolerate disrespect.

    He’s aware of everything around him and keeps track of current affairs. He’s decisive, doesn’t pussyfoot around, and can be trusted to give good advice. People seek him out, and he’s never bothered about anyone else’s opinions.

    He’s in control of his life, never panics, accepts his faults and never makes the same mistake twice. He never owes anyone anything and helps those in need — but not if they could help themselves. Hard working, but also very clear about his priorities in life: he always puts his family and loved ones first.

    How does he do it?

    He walks with grace, power and confidence, leaving others in a rush to catch up. He sits very still, relaxed and never on the edge of his seat. He never fidgets, moves with calm accuracy, and never waves his arms around.

    He makes deeply intense eye contact. And rarely laughs. If he’s pleased you’ll only see the smallest of smiles. If he’s displeased with you, which is often, you feel the urgent need to put things right.

    He’s often silent, never indulges in idle chatter, and his sentences are short and intimidating. His voice is low, slow and firm. He always controls the conversation, and never lets anyone cut in when he’s talking — though he’s also a good listener. But no one can ever predict how he’ll react to their ideas. Because he keeps his thoughts and emotions to himself, only sharing them with the people closest to him.

    His body language draws you to follow his lead, so you find yourself acknowledging his power. He never loses his focus or his cool, but he’s perfectly willing to draw attention to himself or to make a scene if he needs to.

    It’s that genuine blend of hard and soft that draws women to him. His integrity, purpose and power. His courtesy and strength. His confidence, self-assurance and principles. Other men can only stand and stare.



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