Home Politics MP Sudi a No Show in Parliament for Over 6 Months, Report...

MP Sudi a No Show in Parliament for Over 6 Months, Report Shows

Oscar Sudi
Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi PHOTO/The Star

A new report has listed Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi among Members of Parliament who have skipped the most sessions in the National Assembly.

The parliamentary report showed that the Kapseret MP was last seen in parliament over six months ago, translating to over 86 missed sittings.

Sudi was last spotted in the National Assembly on November 16, 2023 when President William Ruto was delivering his first State of the Nation address.

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa has also skipped at least 86 sittings.

It still remains unclear whether the two have been in communication with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetangula, over their gross absence from parliament.

According to the law, the office of a member of Parliament becomes vacant if the member dies or is removed from office under the constitution.

Additionally, MPs can lose their seats if they are absent from eight sittings of the House without permission, in writing, from the speaker and is unable to offer a satisfactory explanation for the absence to the relevant committee.

An MP’s seat can also be declared vacant if the member resigns from Parliament, party or is deemed to have resigned from the party as determined in accordance with the legislation contemplated in clause (2).

Further, if an independent candidate joins a political party, their seat will be declared vacant.

Elevated MCA suffering from illusory superiority: MP Sudi Responds to Malala’s warning

In August 2023, a research done by Mzalendo Trust listed Sudi among the most inactive MPs in parliament alongside George Aladwa and Samuel Arama of Makadara and Nakuru respectively.

Others who had not contributed in parliament for months included Ernest Ogesi (Vihiga), Fred Kapondi (Mt. Elgon), Charles Gimose (Hamisi), Feisal Bader (Msambweni), Innocent Momanyi (Bobasi), Joseph Iraya Wainaina(Nominated) and Elizabeth Kailemia (Meru).

Top contributors were Dr Makali Mulu (Kitui Central), Beatrice Elachi (Dagoretti North), James Nyikal (Seme), Ken Chonga (Kilifi South) and Geoffrey Kiringa Ruku (Mbeere North).

Recently, Sudi has fired back at United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General Cleophas Malala over a gag order he issued to a section of party members.

In a press statement, Malala warned UDA politicians from making political stances over the alleged isolation of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua in the party.

However, the statement didn’t sit well with Sudi who was quick to tell off Malala accusing him of being illusional and drunk with power.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, the controversial MP quoted Malala’s press release and wrote, “Elevated MCA suffering from illusory superiority, thinking he matches Raphael Tuju’s calibre.”

Malala had written a letter to Sudi, Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba and Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga cautioning them to tread lightly or face disciplinary action.


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