Maina Njenga’s lawyer reveals details of his arrest & detention in Kirinyaga


    Maina Njenga, the former leader of the Mungiki sect, has been detained at Wang’uru police station in Kirinyaga county, according to his lawyer, Ndegwa Njiru.

    Speaking to the press in the location on Thursday July 20, Njiru confirmed that his client was arrested on Wednesday night at his fathers home in Kiserian.

    According to Njiru, Maina was then transferred form Ngong’ to Wang’uru police station in the wee hours of the night.

    “I also understand that Maina Njenga is also held up here. Maina Njenga was arrested yesterday at his fathers home in Ngong’ and driven all the way in the wee hours of the night to Wanguru police station,” Njiru said.

    Ndegwa Njiru has raised serious concerns about the transparency and legality of the arrest and subsequent transfer of his client.

    “What is the justification of you being removed form one jurisdiction to the other?” he said.

    Njenga’s arrest comes amidst a wave of arrests targeting Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party leaders in connection with the ongoing protests.

    On Wednesday, hiis lawyer, Ndegwa Njiru, confirmed that Njenga was taken to an undisclosed location, raising concerns about the transparency of his detention.

    My client Maina Njenga arrested and taken to an undisclosed location,” Ndegwa Njiru said in a statement.

    As a close ally of Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga, Maina Njenga’s arrest is suspected to be linked to the ongoing protests in the country.

    According to a Twitter statement by Martha Karua on Wednesday, the protests have seen the detention of 9 other Azimio allied leaders, including Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino, MP Ken Chonga of Kilifi South, and several MCAs.

    As the country enters day two of the anti-government protests, Azimio leader Raila Odinga has encouraged netizens to continue with the demonstration.


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