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NCCK leaders induction session: A call for Action and Justice

Finance Bill 2024

Induction Overview

A two-day induction session for newly elected officials of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) committees in Kajiado, Kitui, Machakos, and Makueni Counties, as well as the Lower Eastern Region, was held at St Joseph Pastoral Center in Machakos. The 35 leaders were educated on the NCCK’s history, constitution, governance structures, policies, and programs. Reflecting on Jeremiah 29:11, they considered the state of the region and the nation, underscoring their mission to foster hope and a prosperous future.

Listen to the People

Article 1(2) of the Kenyan Constitution emphasizes that sovereign power belongs to the people, exercisable directly or through elected representatives. The widespread frustration with the Finance Bill 2024 underscores the need for Parliament and the Executive to heed the populace. The NCCK urges a complete overhaul of the bill to foster hope and productivity, highlighting Isaiah 10:1-3’s warning against oppressive laws.

Let Kenyans Picket

Article 37 of the Constitution guarantees every Kenyan the right to peaceful assembly, demonstration, and petition. The excessive force used by security officers during recent peaceful demonstrations has led to injuries and fatalities. The NCCK condemns this violence, calling for accountability through the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA). The church also urges the youth to remain peaceful and play a part in building a dignified nation, as envisioned in Micah 4:4.

Redeem Healthcare Services

An assessment of healthcare services in the region reveals significant inadequacies, including understaffed facilities and lack of medication. The NCCK appeals to county governments to improve healthcare services and calls for public participation in formulating the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), addressing concerns about potential reductions in benefits compared to the NHIF.

Address Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse

The rampant abuse of alcohol, drugs, and substances is a major concern, destroying the lives of many youths and middle-aged individuals. The NCCK urges decisive action from both county and national governments against producers and distributors of these substances and calls for the Judiciary to expedite prosecutions.

Reconstitute the IEBC

The failure to appoint commissioners for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) jeopardizes constitutional processes, including boundary reviews and by-elections. The NCCK calls on President William Ruto and stakeholders to expedite the appointment of IEBC commissioners, ensuring constitutional adherence.

Let the People Shape Their Future

The parliamentary processes to implement the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report without public review risk enacting self-serving reforms. The NCCK calls for meaningful public participation, enabling Kenyans to shape their future through proposed reforms.


The NCCK encourages all Kenyans to listen to each other and act for the nation’s betterment, resonating with the prayer in the National Anthem: “O God of all creation, bless this our land and nation, justice be our shield and defender.” May unity, peace, and liberty prevail in Kenya, ensuring prosperity for all.


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