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HomeGeneralDoline Nyambati: Kenyan Cashing in From Selling Chapatis, Samosas for Ksh 8,100...

Doline Nyambati: Kenyan Cashing in From Selling Chapatis, Samosas for Ksh 8,100 in the US

Doline Nyambati is a Kenyan living in the United States who has made a name for herself for selling Kenyan delicacies.

She arrived in the US accompanied by her family shortly before seeking a certification as a Certified Nurse Assistant and went on to become a caregiver.

The job in the healthcare sector did not last long forcing Doline to acquire a certification in the food industry with hopes of getting into business.

This plan worked eventually leading to the establishment of Authentic Kenyan Dishes, where she sells a variety of Kenyan foods including chapatis, mahamri and samosas.

“My love for Kenyan cuisine and passion for food was my first inspiration to start a food business here, in the USA you can rarely find ”good food” and people are too busy to even cook hence running such a business is a good opportunity for growth even as we bring the Kenyan name along to growth,” Doline said.

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In an interview, Doline mentioned that chapatis and samosas are the fastest-selling, going for Ksh 8,100 and Ksh 6,750 respectively for 20 pieces.

Just like any other business, she has also faced challenges which include sourcing for Kenyan products within the US.

“I shop for Kenyan flavours from stores that sell them and at times ship from home. It is a challenge to get authentic Kenyan flavours and even when you do they are very pricey,” she said.

Moving ahead, Doline noted that she wants to include vegan diets in her menu and offer nutritional advice to clients.

“Yes, I look forward to expanding my business and diversifying it. I would love to maintain the African cuisine but open a sister that deals with Vegan meals whereby people are going to eat for health, we will get nutritionists and a nurse on-site to guide on different diets for different people,” she stated.


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