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HomeEntertainmentWhat is Kate Actress really doing in the U.S. with President Ruto?...

What is Kate Actress really doing in the U.S. with President Ruto? She explains

Kenyan actress and media personality Kate Actress has recently come under fire after joining President Ruto on his state visit to the US. Critics were quick to lash out on her Instagram, accusing her of exploiting taxpayer money for a luxury trip. One scathing comment read, “Continue enjoying taxpayers’ monies. It’s sweet as it shortly sits. Next stop should be Maka.”

In a no-holds-barred response, Kate took to Instagram to set the record straight for her 2.1 million followers. She posted, “Before you ignorantly come to comment under my recent posts kindly Note,1. My invitation was the courtesy of the @usembassynairobi. 2. The trip is Fully self-sponsored, just in case you thought my BRAND is beans. 3. Breath beloved, I AM JUST GETTING STARTED.”

Kate was keen to clarify that her involvement in the US trip was a personal venture, facilitated by an invitation from the US Embassy in Nairobi. She emphasized that her brand and success had afforded her the means to sponsor her own travel expenses. Her bold declaration, “I AM JUST GETTING STARTED,” suggests she has even bigger plans on the horizon, unfazed by the online backlash.

So, why is Kate, a beloved figure in the Kenyan entertainment industry, part of the President’s entourage? While specific details of her role remain under wraps, it is not unusual for influential cultural figures to accompany state visits. Their presence helps promote the nation’s creative industries on a global platform. Kate, renowned for her roles in hit TV series and her robust social media presence, serves as a vibrant ambassador of modern Kenyan culture.

This controversy underscores the ongoing tension between public perception and the realities of personal success for celebrities. Many assume any association with political figures involves the misuse of public funds. However, Kate’s candid revelation about her self-funded trip is a stark reminder that not all public appearances come at the taxpayer’s expense.

As Kate Actress continues to flourish in her career, her confident rebuttal to critics highlights her independence and drive. With her hint at bigger ambitions, her followers can look forward to even more groundbreaking moves from this unstoppable star.


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