Conjestina Achieng is one of Kenya’s most well known sporting figures. She made history by being the first Kenyan woman to win a professional boxing title.
After her success, the downfall for the boxing queen was fast.
Congestina Achieng at her rural home.
Congestina suffered a change fortunes that did not just affect her mentally but also financially.
Congestina Achieng when her health got worse.
The former boxer started using drugs like bhang which is said to have caused her to suffer mental breakdown.
Congestina was admitted to Mathare Hospital, with her family calling for financial assistance to help her get proper medical treatment.
The boxer once escaped the mental health facility and went to her rural village of Yala in Siaya county.
Congestina Achieng.
Back at her rural home the boxer is have became violent forcing the family to appeal for well-wishers and the government to take her back to the hospital.
On Mashujaa Day the former boxer celebrated her 39th birthday. But just days later was rushed to hospital after her health deteriorated.