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HomeGeneralMaseno University student arrested for raping and robbing two first-year comrades

Maseno University student arrested for raping and robbing two first-year comrades

A 23-year-old male student from Maseno University has been arrested for his alleged involvement in the violent robbery and rape of two fellow students on the night of April 14, 2024. Jacktone Oluoch Owiti was apprehended at his residence in Maseno’s Chulaimbo area. One of the stolen phones from the night of the incident was found in his possession.

According to a police report filed by a member of the community policing group in the Nyawita area, the two first-year female students aged 19 and 20, were attacked while they slept in their shared room. Two assailants armed with a machete and a dagger broke down their door and threatened them with violence. The attackers then raped the victims and stole their smartphones before vanishing.

After the assailants left, the victims called for help, and neighbors took them to a local hospital for treatment. Kisumu West detectives pursued the case and arrested the first suspect, Jacktone Oluoch Owiti, on May 15. He was positively identified by the victims, underwent DNA testing, and was subsequently charged.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (CID), investigators have obtained new leads regarding Owiti’s accomplices and are actively pursuing them.

Mboto Harry Ivan
Mboto Harry Ivan
Mboto Harry Ivan is a Linguistics Media and Communication student at Moi University. He is a versatile writer with over 3 years experience in crafting engaging and compelling news articles and feature stories

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