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HomeEntertainmentJoanna Kinuthia: Why I Quit Ksh 70K Job for Content Creation and...

Joanna Kinuthia: Why I Quit Ksh 70K Job for Content Creation and How Fast I Made My First Million

YouTuber and brand influencer Joanna Kinuthia has opened up on her decision to turn down a Ksh 70,000 job to concentrate on content creation.

Speaking in a podcast, she explained that she rejected the well paying job as she was sure of making more money in content creation compared to a full-time job.

“That time when I joined I think they were paying me Ksh 25,000 and he said, you know this is a probation salary and they said they were going to push my salary up to Ksh 70,000 but that did not faze me at all. I knew I was leaving. Funny thing, mind you I was leaving for nothing,” she said.

Joanna further explained that her decision was not based on financial fulfilment, and even though she was yet to start creating content, she was optimistic about the transition.

“I was going to pursue this creative thing without even knowing if people were making money from it. But I knew I did not want that job, and I wanted to pursue content creation. So I turned down Ksh 70,000 at that time

“I quit my job in 2017, just a few weeks after landing it. I felt there was so much more to life than waking up to go sit at a desk and line someone else’s pockets. I felt that I was meant to do more,” she said.

How Kevin Kinuthia makes money online

Joanna Kinuthia PHOTO/Instagram

In a past interview, Joanna disclosed that after quitting her job and crossing over to content creation, it was not long before she made her first Ksh 1 million.

“Soon after, I started getting great opportunities to work with amazing brands. I made my first million through these amazing brand collaborations with names I could only have dreamt of working with

“I share this not to brag but to let people know that there are great career opportunities online and an office job is not the only way to make a good living. In this day and age, it’s possible to make a great living by leveraging your talents, whatever they may be,” she said.

Other than working with brands and creating content, Joanna is also the owner of Joanna K Cosmetics which commands a following of over 236,000 on Instagram.

The 29-year-old entrepreneur promotes her business by making make-up tutorial videos which she shares on YouTube.

Joanna K Cosmetics was founded in 2018.

It all started off with a YouTube channel where she would do makeup tutorials before she decided to start the business.

She realized there were just not enough Kenyan owned makeup brands that were for Africans by Africans.

The brand launched with a collection of 4 lipsticks and 1 eyeshadow palette, which has since grown to 9 lipsticks, 5 glosses and eyelashes in 5 styles.

According to the brand, “the main aim of launching all our different collections was to make our audience feel represented as well as offer a variety of good quality products that can be worn with minimal effort.”


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