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HomeGeneralI'm responsible: President Ruto now says US trip cost Ksh 10 million

I’m responsible: President Ruto now says US trip cost Ksh 10 million

On May 30, President William Ruto addressed concerns expressed on his purported Ksh 200 million travel to the United States.

Ruto said the private jet cost Kenyan taxpayers less than Ksh10 million during his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Nairobi.

“I am a responsible steward, there is no way I can spend Ksh 200 million, in fact, let me disclose here that it cost the Republic of Kenya less than Ksh 10 million,” he stated.

Ruto disclosed that upon learning that the least expensive jet would cost Ksh 70 million, he instructed his group to make reservations through the national carrier.

The Head of State did point out that several of his friends had offered him a less expensive plane when they learned about his travel itinerary.

“My friends asked me how much are you willing to pay. I told them I was not ready to pay more than Ksh20 million. They told me to bring Ksh 10 million and we will give you the plane,” he added.

Ruto restated his pledge to steer the nation in the right manner by following the austerity measures and reducing his spending.

During his trip to the United States, reports revealed that Ruto’s chartered Boeing 737-700 business jet cost taxpayers nearly Ksh 200 million for the four days he was away.

The luxury charter, provided by the Abu Dhabi-based airline Royal Jet, charges Ksh2.4 million per hour.

A quoted cost for a one-way flight from Nairobi to Atlanta was Ksh98 million for the 18-hour journey.

This sum, along with the return trip and additional flights, brings the total expense to more than Ksh 200 million, reported The Standard.

Following this revelation, Kenyans on social media were up in arms over the president’s means of transport.

For instance, renowned advocate Donald B. Kipkorir said the visit had so many faults and flaws to be considered a state visit.

He cited among other reasons the absence of high-ranking officials from the US government receiving him in Atlanta and Washington DC.

“In a state visit, the visiting Head of State and First Lady arrive to a huge red carpet from the plane to the Presidential Limousine. On hand to receive him will be the host Head of State and First Lady.

“If the host president isn’t there, a highest-ranking member of the government receives and takes the visiting head of state to the White House/State House/Palace where the host head of state will be waiting,” Kipkorir said.

Kipkorir added that the entire tour is usually highly choreographed, with the visiting president only rubbing shoulders with the highest state officers and the visiting first lady becoming a guest of the host first lady before huge bilateral agreements are signed.

“The razzmatazz, pomp and glamour of a state visit are missing. All the meetings arranged so far are with US celebrities who can’t build factories or roads in Kenya. Did someone make false representations to our president? Something is amiss,” said Kipkorir.


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