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The Finance Bill 2024: A call for Justice, Fairness, and Resilience

Finance Bill 2024


The Finance Bill 2024 has ignited a significant public outcry in Kenya, with citizens, particularly the youth and the church, voicing strong opposition to its harsh taxation measures. The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) has responded by issuing sermon guides to promote messages of peace, justice, and dignified livelihoods.

Enhancing Productivity

The essence of government and social structures is to provide hope and opportunities for people to build their lives and be productive. As stated in Isaiah 35:3-4 and Proverbs 24:27, the government should strengthen and support its citizens, ensuring an environment conducive to productivity. The Finance Bill 2024, however, proposes increased production costs through the Eco Levy, higher Excise Duties making goods more expensive, increased transport costs due to petroleum taxes, and taxation of creative arts. Such measures stifle productivity. The NCCK urges Parliament to reject this bill and draft a new one that enhances welfare and livelihoods.

Fairness in Taxation

1 Timothy 6:10 and Nehemiah 6:3-4 warn against the love of money, a vice that can corrupt both individuals and governments. The Finance Bill 2024, focused on increasing taxes, reflects an uncontrolled desire for revenue. This excessive taxation places an undue burden on citizens, leading to financial hardships. The church calls on believers to help government officials overcome this vice and urges Parliament to reject the bill in favor of one that prioritizes the welfare of the people.

Justice in Lawmaking

Leaders are expected to practice justice, mercy, and faithfulness, as emphasized in Isaiah 10:1-3 and Matthew 23:23. The Finance Bill 2024 denies privacy rights, misuses funds for affordable housing, taxes sugarcane transport, and raises prices on essential commodities. Such measures are unjust and oppressive. The NCCK demands that Parliament reject this bill and draft a new one focused on improving the welfare and livelihoods of Kenyans.

Making Life Easier, Not Harder

Ezekiel 34:18 and Matthew 23:4 highlight the importance of easing burdens on people rather than increasing them. The Finance Bill 2024 seeks to increase taxes on financial services and money transfers, making banking services more expensive and hindering online job opportunities for the youth due to higher data costs. Such burdens could lead to increased crime as people avoid formal financial systems. The church calls on Parliament to reject this bill and draft a new one that makes life easier for Kenyans.


The Finance Bill 2024 has sparked widespread resistance due to its harsh taxation measures. The NCCK and the broader church community call on Parliament to reject this bill and draft a new one focused on justice, fairness, and the well-being of all Kenyans. By doing so, they will ensure a more resilient and sustainable nation.


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