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EACC Recommends Prosecution Of Suspects Behind Ksh.18.4B Payment To Lake Turkana Wind Power

The county government of Marsabit has denied claims by Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale that the county allocated 827 ha of land for the construction of Kenya Defence Forces camp at Odda in Moyale Constituency.

According to CS Duale, KDF secured the land at Odda in the 80s to mitigate security challenges in the then Northern Frontier Districts as one of the measures to defend the country from external aggression.

In a quick rejoinder, the county executive committee member for lands Amina Challa rubbished Duale’s statement saying the land in question is community land and there are clearly laid down procedures for any allocation.

“We have never allocated any land to KDF as claimed. No survey was done nor is any of our officers aware of the said approval. Our governor is on top of things to follow up urgently,” said CEC Amina.

Ms Amina said legally, interested parties first write to the county for request before the county engages the community for public participation and escalates the concerns based on the issues raised by the residents.

“We have no record(s) at any of our land offices; therefore the claim is not true to the best of our knowledge. Currently, the claim is in the public domain and as the county executive, we will follow up for clarity”

On Wednesday, while replying to a statement sought by Moyale Member of Parliament Prof. Guyo Waqo Jaldesa, CS Duale stated that the land was allocated by the then Moyale town council for the construction of military camps and military training areas.

During his presentation, CS Duale said the Ministry of Defence then made a follow-up with the county in 2019 to formalise the acquisition after the Ministry of Lands directed mandatory-for-all public land to be documented.

CS Duale informed the National Assembly on record that the county issued Part Development Plan (PDP) for allocation of 242.8 Ha to KDF at Odda and records available at the Ministry of Defence.

“Mr Speaker, I stand here to confirm that the ministry legally acquired the land with survey plans, public participation reports and approved Part Development Plan available at the ministry’s office,” said Duale.

Concerning placement of beacons at selected human settlements, schools, administration offices and worship places, CS Duale said, it was informed by a survey done raising concerns of encroachment at Odda military camp.

CS Duale added, “As part of the ministry’s corporate social responsibilities, we have been very instrumental in peace and security through provision of water pans and boreholes in areas such as Elle Dimtu, Gandile, Forole, Idhido, Dhemo, Bubisa and Saku.”

However, the area MP Prof. Guyo refuted Duale’s statement saying it was non-factual and with scanty information concerning CSR projects undertaken.

 “Mr. Speaker, I want to request the defence committee to visit my constituency (Moyale) for a fact-finding mission and report to this house”

Duale has now invited all Marsabit leaders for a meeting next week on Monday at the defence ministry’s headquarters in Nairobi.

The ministry is also in talks with the leadership of Isiolo and Meru counties concerning historical military land disputes.


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