Sunday, May 5, 2024
HomeHealthThe Top 10 signs of a suicidal person

The Top 10 signs of a suicidal person

According to the World Health Organization, there is an estimated 10 deaths for every 100,000 people as of 2015. And this figure continues to rise. In the US alone, there has been a 30 percent increase in suicides in 25 states between 1999 and 2016.

Have you ever lost someone close to you to suicide? Or do you know of someone who recently took their life? Maybe a friend, a colleague or former classmate? The pain of losing someone is often followed by guilt that maybe something could have been done to save them. You even blame yourself for not seeing the suicidal warning signs sooner. It’s difficult looking out for warning signs that you don’t know or are unsure of.

The signs below will help you better identify a suicidal person.

1. They copy celebrities

According to a study in PLOS ONE, there was a 10% increase in suicide rates in the four months that followed Robin Williams’ death. This shows how powerful and “contagious” this effect is. When a depressed person idolizes a celebrity, who ends up committing suicide, they’ll think that taking their life is a solution to their problems. Always make it a point to know idols of the people close to you.

2. Undergo behavioral changes

Someone contemplating suicide will undergo a drastic change in their behavior. Changes can be sleeping excessively, becoming extremely happy or sad, or losing interest in something they once loved.

3. Withdrawing from social activities

It should be a cause for concern when a once jovial and people-loving individual begins to choose their own company over that of their family and friends. A suicidal person will tend to choose their own company oftentimes because they are thinking about taking their own life. Being alone gives them time to struggle with the thoughts and emotions they have. If you notice anyone close to you becoming withdrawn, reach out to them and try to find out why. Sometimes it could be that they are going through a stressful time in their life, but you should never write off the possibility that they could be going through something worse than that.

4. They start making plans

Someone contemplating suicide will make plans for their life. They will begin visiting family and friends they haven’t seen in a long time. This is their way of saying goodbye. They will also go around trying to make amends with the people they wronged or fell out with. They may also clean up their house or room in an attempt to leave things in order once they die. Furthermore, they may write a will. Another thing they may do is give away prized possessions. To them, they see this as something they will no longer have a need of.

5. Lose interest in their appearance

Another warning sign of suicide is when a person who previously always made a point to look good, beings to look shaggy and unkempt. They no longer care about grooming themselves. Their hair will look limp and lifeless, their nails long and rugged, and their clothes dirty. They no longer care about what anyone might think about them. Their focus is surviving rather than living.


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