Monday, July 1, 2024
Home21-year-old KDF widow loses her only child 6 months after husband’s death

21-year-old KDF widow loses her only child 6 months after husband’s death

Barely six months after losing her husband during the KDF attack in El Adde Somalia, young widow Queenter Oguta has lost her only son.

After the tragic demise of her husband, Queenter had to face life alone and raise her son as a single parent.

Wycliffe Oguta who was among the fallen Kenya soldiers during the Al-Shabaab attack at El-Adde camp, Somalia in January.

Wycliffe Oguta who was among the fallen Kenya soldiers during the Al-Shabaab attack at El-Adde camp, Somalia in January.

The turn of events forced her and her son to move from Eldoret, where the family initially lived, to their rural home in Homa Bay. But even there, things have not been easy.

“My husband’s death changed everything. It was like everyone turned against me; my friends and even my in-laws,” said the 21-year-old.

Things took a turn for the worse on July 11 when she was informed of her son’s death through a phone call while she in Nairobi attending the KDF widow’s association meeting.


Queenter Oguta's son who passed away on July 11.

Queenter Oguta’s son who passed away on July 11.

The news came as a shock to her since two days before her son’s death she had been communicating with him through the phone and he sounded fine.

“Everything happened in the blink of an eye. My mother in-law informed me that my son was seriously ill and they had to take him to hospital. I left Nairobi immediately for Homa Bay. But while I was in the bus I received the devastating news of my son’s death,” she narrates.

BETTER DAYS: Queenter Oguta with her late son.

BETTER DAYS: Queenter Oguta with her late son.

Although her son was rushed to hospital when he showed signs of being ill, the doctors couldn’t detect the ailment.

To add to the pain of losing the most dearest people in her life, Ms Queenter has been unable to access her matrimonial house in Homa Bay and has been forced to rent a house elsewhere.

“I have to put God first and I believe I will persevere. I plan to go to college and study nursing, because life has to continue even as grieve the loss of my son and husband,” she said.

                                                          – NAIROBI NEWS


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