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HomeBusinessWambui Machua: Kenyan Teacher Running a Lucrative Business in the US

Wambui Machua: Kenyan Teacher Running a Lucrative Business in the US

Wambui Machua is a Kenyan teacher running a lucrative business in the United States.

Born into a modest household in Nairobi in 1970, her family tended animals, prompting her father to open a butchery in the city.

In contrast, Wambui mother worked as a flight attendant. Wambui spent the majority of her life reading books and fantasizing about exploring the world.

However, at the age of 15, her desire came true as she was able to visit the state of California in the United States because of her mother’s hard work.

Wambui would have a lovely experience visiting the world-renowned Disneyland theme park and Universal Studios in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley.

That trip would be the first step in her quest for a better life in the United States.

Wambui decided to apply for an exchange student scholarship in the city of Scio, Oregon, as soon as she finished high school.

Her friends, who played an important role in her achievement, introduced her to her first employment.

At 23, Wambui accepted an offer to sell African art in a business run by a woman she met through acquaintances.

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She purchased several suitcases of African art and moved in with the woman while forging additional contacts around town.

Wambui will soon learn that the road to success is not easy.

The lady who had previously welcomed Wambui into her house would now turn her back on her and kick her out.

“One day she said ‘you have to go. I said okay, not a problem. I start taking my things out of the house. And then the issue comes up of payment for the stuff that she’s already taken. She slams the door in my face and refuses to let me get the rest of my things,” she said.

Her friends took her in, and despite her continued struggle to find a new place in life, she was granted a green card, allowing her to establish her business and seek other opportunities.

Wambui then established her own home in Portland, Oregon, and enrolled in the University of Phoenix in Tigard.

She successfully completed her bachelor’s degree in management and founded Spice of Africa.

Slowly but steadily, she began teaching cooking classes and expanded her business to include selling at farmer’s markets, catering and eventually launching her own restaurant at Morrison Market.

Currently, Spice of Africa is a thriving commercial enterprise in the United States.

“I was at one point homeless because I didn’t have a place of my own to call home when I got kicked out of that woman’s house.

“Somebody was gracious enough to take me in and they didn’t even know me. They helped me out. So, if I can, why not give somebody else a helping hand?” she noted.

Wambui’s plans for Spice of Africa are expanding, and she is currently working on a cookbook as well as a collection of short stories and poetry inspired by her experiences in Kenya and Portland.

Her teaching career comes into play when she instructs other chefs and shares her knowledge of African spices.


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