Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeCrimePolice Arrest Form 4 Student for Hacking Mother to Death

Police Arrest Form 4 Student for Hacking Mother to Death

Police in Homa Bay County have arrested a 16-year-old student who is accused of hacking his mother to death.

According to reports, the teenager is said to have strangled his mother, Nelis Ogutu, before hacking her lifeless body after the fact.

In the incident that happened on Thursday, the student who studies at Nyatoto Mixed Secondary School commited the heinous act shortly after the evening meals.

While a machete that was used in the murder was recovered at the scene, the reason why the incident happened remains a mystery.

Following the incident, neighbours rushed to the deceased’s homestead where they found her lying on the ground.

The neighbours rounded up the suspect and handed him over to the police who commenced investigations immediately after the arrest.

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A police vehicle PHOTO/PD Digital

Elsewhere, Joseph Mungai Wanjira who is accused of killing a Chandarana Supermarket manager was arrested on Wednesday in Naivasha.

According to a police report, Hassan Abdullatif Salim who worked as a manager at the supermarket’s Buffalo Mall branch was killed on May 22, 2024.

He was discovered dead after failing to show up for work prompting his colleagues to look for him at his house where he is believed to have been living alone.

However, when the store’s supervisors located his house, they were shocked when they noticed blood drops on the doorway prompting them to alert the police.

Police from Naivasha arrived at the scene and after forcing entry into the house, they found Hassan’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood on the floor.

After studying the CCTV footage, DCI detectives launched a manhunt for the suspect eventually leading to his arrest on Wednesday.


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