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Singer Nadia Mukami miraculously survives terrifying car crash

Kenyan music sensation Nadia Mukami narrowly escaped a life-threatening car accident that left her shaken to the core. The incident, which occurred on September 10, 2023, has left fans and well-wishers concerned for her well-being.

Sharing her harrowing experience via Instagram, Nadia Mukami described it as the most terrifying day of her life. She recounted the surreal events that unfolded when she and a colleague were separately en route to the same destination, only to both face separate accidents at precisely the same time.

“I have never experienced anything like today. I am just overwhelmed with gratitude that I am still here with you all. It feels like a spiritual attack. We were in different cars heading in the same direction when these accidents occurred simultaneously. How bizarre is that?” Nadia shared in a heartfelt video message.

The acclaimed ‘maombi’ hitmaker went on to express her relief that she and her colleague narrowly escaped a potential tragedy. She firmly believes that divine intervention played a significant role in sparing their lives.

“We are counting our blessings. Had it been a collision with a trailer, I honestly don’t think I would be here talking to you all. Thank God it was a smaller vehicle, although the impact was incredibly severe,” Nadia added.

While Nadia Mukami emerged from the accident with her life intact, her colleague remains in critical condition and is currently receiving medical treatment in a hospital. Nadia chose not to disclose further details about her colleague out of respect for his family during this trying time.

“My heart goes out to my colleague, and I am unable to provide more information about his condition out of respect for his family. He is in a very critical state, and I pray for his recovery,” Nadia said, visibly moved by the situation.

Following the traumatic incident, Nadia spent the entire day at the hospital, anxiously waiting for updates on her colleague’s condition. In the evening, she was finally able to return home to her young son, cherishing every moment with her loved ones as a poignant reminder of life’s fragility.

Fans and fellow celebrities have flooded social media with messages of support and prayers for Nadia Mukami and her colleague.


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