Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeRingtone: Why I went to Dem Wa Facebook’s House in Kayole

Ringtone: Why I went to Dem Wa Facebook’s House in Kayole

Gospel artist Ringtone Apoko has explained why he visited Dem wa Facebook in Kayole.

Speaking to reporters, the gospel artist said he decided to do so because Dem wa Facebookshowed interest in him in a way no one ever has.

“Dem wa Facebook tells me, ‘chairman, I will come to your place,’ she tells me clearly that she loves me, she’s the one who has told me she loves me a lot!!” Ringtone explained.

This comes after Ringtone Apoko was seen inside the house of the Facebook lady.

The singer said that in his quest to find a good partner, he found the Facebook lady to be the best kind of woman he would like to live with because of her hardworking nature, determination, and patience.

“If you want to marry, I have reached a point where I have seen someone who seems like raw material for marriage. I like your girls with the zeal to work hard, I don’t like lazy people. The reason why I like the Facebook lady is because she is very hardworking and has the zeal to work hard,” Ringtone explained.

Ringtone also stated that he perfectly matches with the Facebook lady because, unlike Obinna, he does not have children like the Facebook lady. However, he admitted that he could only consider taking the Facebook lady once she changes her ways and becomes a God-fearing woman.

“The day she repents, I can consider that story because right now she has too many sins,” Ringtone said.


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