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HomeCrimeCop Behind Ian Njoroge's Arrest Among 8 Officers in Custody Over Robbery...

Cop Behind Ian Njoroge’s Arrest Among 8 Officers in Custody Over Robbery With Violence Crimes

A police officer who was involved in Ian Njoroge’s arrest is among eight officers who have been arrested over a number of crimes.

According to a report on NTV, the officers were arrested in the last 24 hours for engaging in among other crimes, robbery with violence.

Among the eight officers, four were arrested in connection with a robbery incident in Utawala involving an accountant of a local school in the area.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), the officers and two other suspects trailed the accountant from a bank, and broke into his car making away with Ksh 2.2 million.

The six are said to have followed the accountant from when he arrived at the benk, withdrew the money and made his way back to the school.

When the accountant parked his vehicle outside the school to take some of the money inside, it was then when the suspects broke into the locked car and stole the money.

The suspects are identified as Sgt Antony Ndegwa Anwal, Cpl Daniel Lekakeny Sunkuli, PC Simon Macharia Maina (of DCI Kasarani), PC Antony Mwenda (KPS Ruai), Lukas Magwaga and Young Wakise.

“The six were arrested at the Kasarani Police Station public parking yard, by a combined team of sleuths from DCI Nairobi region and Kayole sub-county,” DCI said in a statement.

Following the arrest of the six suspects, Ksh 473,000 which is believed to be part of the stolen money was recovered.

The officers further ransacked the car and recovered Ksh 350,000 and another Ksh 123,000 was retrieved from their pockets.

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Ian Njoroge arrives in court PHOTO/Citizen Digital

One of the officers was among police officers who arrested Njoroge who was caught assaulting a police officer in a viral video.

In another case, Corporal John Mwai Mbili of Nairobi’s Parliament Police Station is facing corruption charges for attempting to extort Ksh 40,000 from a suspect.

According to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Mwai told the complainant that he must pay him “something small” to “facilitate a smooth closure” of the matter.

“He demanded a bribe of Ksh 40,000 from the complainant threatening that if the complainant failed to pay, he would charge him in court with new offences,” said EACC.

The complainant reported the matter to EACC, which conducted an inquiry and later arrested Mwai. He was processed and later booked at Kilimani Police Station and has since been released on bail.


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