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Recognize and dignify Persons Living with Disability

Communique of the Persons With Disabilities Pre-Assembly

John 9:1-3 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”

Over 60 persons with disabilities from 20 counties attended a two-day Pre-Assembly organized by the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru. This event, preceding the 65th General Assembly of the NCCK, was centered on the theme “Redefining Disability: Recognizing and Appreciating Disabilities.”

Recognizing that a million Kenyans live with disabilities, the NCCK appreciates the need for all actors to take deliberate measures for the inclusion, empowerment, and integration of persons with disabilities. The Pre-Assembly makes the following recommendations:

1. Accord Persons with Disabilities Dignity

Despite making up 2% of the population, persons with disabilities face exclusion and stigmatization in various spheres of life. This exclusion is driven by ignorance and negative social attitudes. Inspired by Jesus’ declaration in John 10:10, it is essential that society promotes the inclusion, empowerment, and integration of persons with disabilities.

a) Message to the Church

Churches should be friendly and inclusive towards persons with disabilities. This includes making church buildings accessible and allowing persons with disabilities to participate in ministry and leadership. Clergy are encouraged to integrate messages of inclusion and empowerment in their sermons and designate a day to celebrate persons with disabilities.

b) Message to the National Government

The government should provide updates on the implementation of Article 54(2) of the Constitution, ensuring that at least 5% of members in elective and appointive bodies are persons with disabilities. Specific appeals include:

  • Reviewing university entry requirements for those who go through special education.
  • The National Council for Persons With Disabilities should seek judicial intervention for the dissolution of county assemblies that lack required representation.
  • Ensuring cash transfers for persons with disabilities reach all registered individuals.
  • Expediting the review of the Persons With Disabilities Bill 2024.

c) Message to County Governments

County governments should provide opportunities for dignified livelihoods for persons with disabilities, including exempting businesses owned by them from duties, rates, and taxes. They should also establish and maintain sports facilities friendly to persons with disabilities. The Council of Governors should lead the domestication and implementation of disability policies and laws at the county level.

d) Message to All Kenyans

Disability is not inability. Let us recognize that persons with disabilities have full lives ahead of them. Do not hide children or relatives with disabilities; instead, support them to identify and nurture their talents. Article 54(1)(a) of the Constitution of Kenya states that persons with disabilities are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.

2. Stand Firm and Be Strong

Inspired by Joshua 1:9, persons with disabilities are encouraged to take up leadership positions in various sectors. They should present memoranda to the Senate on the proposed amendments to Article 54 in the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill 2024 and participate actively in political parties.

3. Special Focus on Children with Disabilities

Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable. Parents and caregivers should embrace and support them to live full lives. Safe environments for these children should be created in homes, churches, schools, and society.


God has given us different abilities to honor and serve Him in various ways. It is essential for all Kenyans to include, empower, and integrate persons with disabilities into social life. Let us live up to the aspirations of our National Anthem: Natujenge taifa letu, Ee ndio wajibu wetu, Kenya istahili heshima Tuungane mikono, Pamoja kazini, Kila siku tuwe na shukrani

May God bless Kenya now and always.


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