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“My Ex is not even my type anymore”: Pritty Vishy throws fresh shade at Ex, Stevo Simple Boy

Are you still fixated on your Ex? Are you still thinking about your past relationship?

Kenyan content creator Pritty Vishy shared a cryptic message on Instagram, seemingly taking a jab at her ex-boyfriend, Stevo Simple Boy. The post read, “You still obsessed with your ex? Mine is not even my type anymore.” This comes amid ongoing drama and public interest surrounding the ex-couple’s past relationship and Stevo’s current marital woes.

Pritty Vishy, whose real name is Purity Vishenwa, has not shied away from sharing her thoughts on Stevo Simple Boy and his tumultuous relationship with his wife, Grace Atieno. The couple’s issues have been a hot topic in the recent past, especially after rumors surfaced that Grace was pregnant by another man. In response to these claims, Pritty hinted that she was well aware of the trouble brewing in Stevo’s marriage, suggesting that things were “worse than what the public perceives”.

This isn’t the first time Pritty has spoken out about Stevo. In past interviews and social media posts, she has accused Stevo of cheating on her with Grace, who she claims pursued Stevo for financial gain. Pritty also criticized Stevo’s management, alleging that they were mismanaging his finances, which led to his current financial struggles.

Fans and followers have had mixed reactions to Pritty’s comments. Some support her for being candid about her experiences, while others believe she should move on and stop discussing her ex. The drama between Pritty and Stevo has kept many entertained, with each new revelation sparking fresh debates online.

Stevo Simple Boy, known for his hit song “Freshi Barida,” has remained relatively quiet amidst the ongoing drama. He previously posted a sad, crying emoji surrounded by heartbreak emojis on Instagram, which fans speculated was in response to the rumors about his wife’s infidelity.

The ongoing saga highlights the complexities of navigating public relationships and personal issues in the limelight. While Pritty Vishy continues to share her side of the story, it remains to be seen how Stevo Simple Boy and Grace Atieno will address these challenges and whether they will manage to overcome them together.

For now, Pritty’s latest post adds another layer to the unfolding drama, keeping fans eagerly awaiting the next twist in this real-life soap opera.


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