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“I saw you on YouTube!” Eddie Butita reveals details of his talk with Steve Harvey

Kenyan comedian Eddie Butita  had an unforgettable experience on Tuesday during President William Ruto’s state visit to the United States. As part of President Ruto’s entourage, Butita had the chance to meet the legendary Steve Harvey at Tyler Perry Studios while attending  a luncheon aimed at discussing areas of collaboration between the Kenyan creative Industry and Hollywood.

Meeting Steve Harvey was a surreal moment for Butita. “I have dreamt of this moment for 14 years,” he shared, clearly moved by the experience.

The encounter was made even more special when Harvey acknowledged Butita’s work, saying, “I saw you on YouTube.” This recognition from a global comedy icon was a moment of immense pride for Butita, underscoring his dedication and talent.

Butita was quick to express his gratitude to President Ruto for making this meeting possible. “Thank you, Mr. President, for this honorable connection. Meeting Steve Harvey has been a dream for the past 14 years; today, it has become a reality,” Butita said. This highlights how the state visit is not just about politics but also about creating opportunities for Kenyan talent to shine on the world stage.

During their meeting, Butita and Harvey discussed how to improve the showbiz industry in Kenya. “We had great conversations on how to equip and train talents for business success in showbiz; it is show and business, and I’m happy our creatives are factored in these conversations,” Butita shared.

These discussions are expected to pave the way for better training and opportunities for Kenyan creatives, helping them succeed both locally and internationally.

President Ruto’s state visit to the U.S. involved various engagements aimed at boosting Kenya’s profile globally and forging international partnerships. The visit included high-profile meetings, trade discussions, and cultural exchanges, demonstrating the breadth of Kenya’s ambitions on the international stage.


Eddie Butita’s presence in the state visit delegation is no coincidence. He has a history of interactions with President Ruto, who has shown a keen interest in supporting and promoting Kenyan talent. This relationship was evident when Butita was invited to perform at key events and collaborate on initiatives aimed at uplifting the entertainment industry in Kenya. The president’s support has been instrumental in providing platforms for talents like Butita to showcase their skills and gain international recognition.


Eddie Butita’s meeting with Steve Harvey is a landmark moment for the Kenyan showbiz industry. It highlights the potential of Kenyan talent and the significant role international connections, facilitated by state visits, can play in their growth. This encounter serves as a powerful inspiration for many aspiring creatives in Kenya.


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