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HomeEntertainmentFrom rejection to presidential entourage: Eddie Butita's remarkable journey from Capital FM...

From rejection to presidential entourage: Eddie Butita’s remarkable journey from Capital FM snub to comedy stardom and business leadership

In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, Eddie Butita’s journey is a beacon of resilience and determination. Butita, now a celebrated comedian and successful entrepreneur, has shared a throwback that struck a chord with many Kenyans—a screenshot of a rejection email from Maandi, a former presenter at Capital FM. This email, dated three years ago, candidly expressed her doubts about his comedic talent and suitability for her show.

“Hey. So I’ve checked out the clip and as much as I saw people laugh, I didn’t laugh. Secondly, we are not looking to hire a comedian because we are not tryna to fit in with what radio stations do here,” read the email. Maandi went on to explain that previous comedians hadn’t impressed her, mentioning JB as the only exception.

Fast forward three years, and Eddie Butita’s star has risen beyond expectations. He is now not only a household name in Kenya’s comedy scene but also a notable business leader. As the CEO of SPM Buzz, a digital media and content creation company, Butita has demonstrated his versatility and business acumen. His role involves overseeing content production and digital marketing strategies, helping brands connect with audiences in innovative ways.

Butita’s influence extends beyond the borders of Kenya. He was recently selected to be  part of President William Ruto’s entourage on a state visit to the United States. This significant inclusion highlights his stature and influence, both as a cultural ambassador and an entrepreneur. His participation in this high-profile visit underscores the respect he commands and the potential for Kenyan entertainment to impact globally.

His journey from a rejection email to international recognition and business success is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. “Three years down the line, Respect and humility will get us there. Believe in yourself,” Butita captioned his post, resonating deeply with his followers and sparking widespread reactions on social media.

Butita’s career took off with appearances on platforms like Churchill Show, where his comedic talent shone brightly. His skits and performances have garnered millions of views online, solidifying his place in the hearts of many Kenyans. His entrepreneurial ventures through SPM Buzz further illustrate his multifaceted capabilities and vision for the future of digital content.

Maandi, who has since moved on from her role at Capital FM, has not commented on the resurfaced email. However, the incident has ignited discussions about the subjective nature of humor and the importance of nurturing emerging talent.

Eddie Butita’s journey from rejection to acclaim, and from local comedy shows to international representation, is an inspiring tale of resilience. For aspiring comedians and entrepreneurs everywhere, his story is a powerful reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter the setbacks.


This also highlights the consistently changing and sometimes unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry, where today’s underdog can become tomorrow’s star. Eddie Butita’s experience serves as a motivational tale, showing that with persistence and hard work, dreams can indeed come true.


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