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HomeEntertainmentDJ Kriss Darlin Bashed Over Insensitive Comment on Njambi Koikai's Death

DJ Kriss Darlin Bashed Over Insensitive Comment on Njambi Koikai’s Death

Reggae deejay Kriss Darlin found himself on the receiving end over an insensitive statement following the death of media personality Njambi Koikai.

Following news of Njambi’s passing, Kriss hit out at people mourning her death accusing them of not standing with her when she needed help.

He mentioned that people were quick to post photos with her yet they could not even donate blood when she asked for help.

“It’s now time to post pictures with the departed but when she asked and needed blood donations and help nobody posted pictures,” Kriss wrote on Instagram.

However, this statement did not sit well with a lot of people who lashed out at Kriss including comedian Njugush who insinuated that Kriss and Njambi were not in good times.

blessednjugush: But Kris you should be the last to speak, you know what you put her through.

anyikowoko: Jahmby doesn’t deserve this weird comment. A lot of people and friends posted about the blood request and have in other instances. There are people who also help or have helped don’t post. Let’s just celebrate her and be positive. That’s what she would appreciate.

xclusivedeejay: Sasa mnagate keep how people will mourn? Ahh surely, people support in different ways sio kila mtu lazima atoe damu. There are people who would pray for her, maybe send her an encouraging message. I’m sure this sounded smart when typing but it’s not.

hillas_hillary: Disappointed you can even reason like that. For the last 17 years she has battled the disease wewe peke yako ndio ulimsupport ama unasema nini? So we can’t mourn regardless? Mourning is personal and a lot of people were championing for her always. To others she was a motivation, an entertainer and many more.

deejay_hertical: My good brother this is uncalled for. When she asked for blood many of us who had the love shared her concerns, and I’m sure there are those who donated. But even if it’s not blood some of us prayed for her. Prayers are everything. And when a person dies you can’t avoid good friends and people who knew her to post her pictures. Even you and me God forbid people will post us. It shows love we had for her. Who can prevent death?

What is Endometriosis? A Look at the Disease that Claimed the Life of Njambi Koikai

Njambi Koikai
Njambi Koikai PHOTO/Instagram

Njambi’s death came just three days after disclosing that she was admitted at the Nairobi Hospital, and she was appealing for blood donations.

“Hi fam, I’m currently admitted at the pioneer ward Nairobi Hospital and I kindly need blood O positive. Kindly asking for blood donors,” she shared on Instagram.

Njambi who was famed for his radio career passed away on Tuesday morning, June 4, at a Nairobi hospital while undergoing treatment.

Njambi was battling Stage IV Endometriosis at the time of her death.

Over the years, she has shared how the battle with the disease saw her lose some friends, relationships and even jobs.

“I never cried. Instead I was caught up in thought. The prospects of surviving this were not very promising and every single day presented itself with new challenges

“I knew that the only thing I had to do was to stay positive and cancel any negativity. I thought about my life and the multi-faceted dynamics I’ve had to experience. I thought about my family and my community,” she shared.

In 2018, Njambi travelled to Atlanta Georgia and was admitted at the Center for Endometriosis Care for advanced treatment as she needed to undergo a lifesaving surgery.

Luckily for her, doctors were able to remove all the endometriosis and she was making good progress by the time she was returning back to Kenya in 2019.


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