Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeWanandoa wengi hawafurahishani kwa tendo la ndoa, wanabakana tu - Pasta Mgogo

Wanandoa wengi hawafurahishani kwa tendo la ndoa, wanabakana tu – Pasta Mgogo

Renowned pastor from Tanzania, Daniel Mgogo, has claimed that many people in marriages do not enjoy sexual intercourse but rather live together out of obligation.

In a sermon uploaded to his Facebook page, Pastor Mgogo stated that many couples perceive sexual intimacy lightly, despite it being a crucial aspect of any relationship between husband and wife.

“Some people say that sexual intercourse is not necessary, it’s not essential, it’s just an extra… don’t deceive yourself, that is also the Lord’s table, it should be approached with necessary preparations. Many couples lack even the preparations; they just scratch each other,” Mgogo preached.

“…ongoing rape within marriage is dangerous. That’s why many of you ladies here cannot speak up, but the truth is you don’t enjoy sexual intercourse with your husbands. Because there are no preparations,” he added.

The pastor noted that the most affected individuals in marriages are women and urged men to be patient in matters of sexual intimacy, as women take time to get into the mood compared to men.

“You are just hurting your wives; they just cannot say it. They tell me, ‘Pastor, when you stand to teach, tell them, they rape us without preparing us. Let the wife start speaking Greek before you even start. What’s the rush, men?” Mgogo questioned.


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