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Pritty Vishy’s mum on the hunt for a Ben 10: The must-have qualities

Kenyan rapper Pritty Vishy recently experienced a heartwarming reunion with her mother, who had been living in Saudi Arabia for 4 and a half years.

Vishy’s mother returned to Kenya on October 7, marking the end of a long separation that had been quite challenging for the rapper.

The reunion between Pritty Vishy and her mother was an emotional and touching moment. Having been apart since Vishy was in Form 2, it was undoubtedly a challenging period for both.

Vishy took to her social media to express her gratitude and joy, sharing her feelings with her fans.

My mum left when I was in Form 2… it was hard since I had never been away from her… and finally she’s back. Aaah God, thank you so much. I am grateful,” she said.

Pritty Vishy’s mum attracts unwanted attention

Following her mother’s return to Kenya, the mother-daughter duo has been inseparable. However, something unexpected occurred: Vishy’s mother attracted attention from some young men who expressed interest in dating her.

This unwanted attention prompted Vishy to expose the messages that were sent to her mother’s DM and issue a warning to the individuals involved.

In a recent interview with YouTuber Mungai Eve, Vishy’s mother shared her perspective on the situation.

She began by addressing the unwelcome attention she had been receiving and warned potential suitors to steer clear.

She explained that her previous marriage had been challenging, and her ex-husband had exhibited narcissistic behavior.

She emphasised that young men should not feel entitled to pursue a romantic relationship with an older single mother.

She stated that maturity and respect were essential qualities for any potential suitor. She acknowledged that not all young men were disrespectful, but many of them expected motherly care and wanted the older woman to nurture and support them.

When asked about the requirements for a suitable partner, Vishy’s mother emphasised the importance of understanding that she was a woman who needed love and respect.

She highlighted that mutual respect was crucial for both women and men. However, she expressed her concerns about young men who were immature and tried to manipulate older women by using affectionate terms such as “I love you, baby.”

According to her, immaturity and manipulative behavior were undesirable qualities in a Ben 10 (a term used to describe younger men in relationships with older women).

She did not entertain the idea of being taken advantage of and emphasised that some young men lacked the necessary maturity to engage in a respectful and equal partnership.

Vishy’s mother shared that women who had experienced challenging marriages and relationships often carried emotional scars.

She explained that these women were not interested in players or individuals who might take advantage of them.

Meeting a woman who had gone through such experiences could be a significant opportunity, but it was important to approach her with respect and sincerity.

The mother of the Kibra rapper also pointed out that women who had faced such marital difficulties did not want to engage with immature individuals who only sought financial support.

They had been through difficult times and did not appreciate young men who aimed to take advantage of them. Vishy’s mother concluded that respecting the emotional journey of women in this category was essential.


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