Senator Is A Long Time Friend, Woman Arrested Over Senators Attempted Murder


The woman arrested after Machakos Senator Boniface Kabaka collapsed in a Kilimani apartment in the wee hours of Friday morning has said she is a long-time friend of the lawmaker’s.

Esther Muli, a teacher based in Wote, said she could not possibly have conspired to harm him.

Muli believes when the police analyze the CCTV footage she will be exonerated of any wrongdoing.

Police reports show Senator Kabaka collapsed at 2.30 am Friday at 3Dee Apartments. He is fighting for his life at Nairobi Hospital ICU.

On Monday, Milimani senior resident magistrate David Ndungi allowed detectives to hold Muli for a week to allow police to analyze the events that led to the sudden sickness of the senator.

Muli on Tuesday told Mbaitu FM that the senator started complaining of a headache at around midnight.

While it was her first time to visit 3Dee Apartments, the meeting was not the first with the senator. She said that they attended the same school with the legislator and had kept in touch.

When the senator called her for another day’s meeting, she agreed.

She said the senator was already at the apartment when she arrived. Reports say he drove there by himself without a bodyguard and his driver.

They had food and drinks which Kabaka ordered from a restaurant in the apartment before proceeding into a room the senator had booked. All was well and both had a great evening.

At midnight, the senator started complaining of a headache, she told the Mbaitu reporter.

Kabaka asked for painkillers but the headache persisted. Muli called the senator’s aide Isaac Muinde and briefed him on the sickness.

It’s the aide who organized with the apartment management to call paramedics to evacuate the legislator.

Muli contradicted the family’s statement, which alleged that when the senator collapsed, he was still conscious and called an ambulance by himself.

By the time the ambulance arrived, he had already started vomiting.

The ambulance picked the senator but Muli was left behind because “those are family matters”.

But she was picked by detectives who arrived in the hotel the following morning to collect samples of vomit, food, and the drugs.

The case will be mentioned on December 14.


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