From Matatus To Parte After Parte, Places You Need To Avoid During Coronavirus Pandemic To Stay Safe


The number of Covid-19 cases has shot up drastically and on Sunday, Kenya recorded the highest number of daily Covid-19 infections since the first case was confirmed on March 13.

The rise in numbers has been the case since the travel ban was lifted.

The government has put in place measures to be undertaken to avoid the spread of Covid-19 such as wearing masks, sanitization, and keeping away from crowded places.

Well, if you don’t take care and follow the government’s rules, below are ways you can easily catch Covid-19.

1. Parte after parte

Hosting or attending parties whether indoors or outdoors

2. Going to religious gatherings; churches, mosques, temples, etc.

Only 100 people are allowed in the one-hour services and worshippers aged above 13 and below 58 can attend. Also, worshippers need to keep the 1.5-meter distance. Failure to adhere to this, many will get infected.

3. Going to clubs or bars

We have seen many flouting the government’s rules and going to entertainment joints to have fun. Did you know one infected person can infect more than 10 people in case you come into contact with him?

Most countries have banned clubbing, concerts, and South Africa, for example, has banned the sale of alcohol anywhere within its territories.


4. Visiting hospitals especially when you are not you’re not seriously sick

You might come in contact with infected patients, health workers, or surfaces. You can easily pick up Covid-19 by touching surfaces contaminated with the coronavirus.

5. Using public transport

Matatus are the easiest and affordable mode of transport around. If not well sanitized you might get in contact with an infected person or sit or touch contaminated surfaces and catch it. The virus stays on surfaces for more than 24 hours depending on the material. On plastic and stainless steel it can stay up to 3-7 days, paper, and glass it can say to up to four days.

6. Playing contact sports

Contact sport is one where the participants necessarily come into bodily contact with one another. Examples include rugby, American football, wrestling, soccer (Football), and boxing.


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