Mike Sonko Flies MCAs to Mombasa In Bid To Block Impeachment Plan


Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has taken over 40 Members of the National Assembly to Mombasa in a bid to counter his impeachment motion set to be debated on Thursday, December 3.

The embattled governor flew over the MCAs to Diani, Mombasa for a holiday on Monday, November 30. They were allegedly checked in at Ukunda, Salama Bling Beach Resort, and English Point Marina.

Sonko is reportedly keeping an eye on the MCAs who are allied to his side as he wants them to shoot down the motion.

He also ferried an unidentified number of MCAs to Naivasha and 15 other city lawmakers reportedly traveled to their rural homes.

President Uhuru Kenyatta (right) speaks with NMS General Mohamed Badi (center) and Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko (left) at an event in Nairobi in August 2020

Those who won’t physically avail themselves at the assembly chambers will vote online.  However, the motion will depend on a ruling made by a court earlier today, Thursday.

The court barred MCAs from discussing or proceeding with the motion pending the hearing of the case where Sonko filed to challenge the process.

“The governor is prepared for the day and he believes the frivolous allegations leveled against him will not see the light of day.

“If he wants to meet MCAs, then I believe it is within the confines of the law,” Sonko’s spokesperson Ben Mulwa stated, refuting claims that Sonko bribed MCAs.

The governor is reportedly keen on ensuring that the MCAs do not acquire the two-thirds threshold (nearly 82) to eject him out of office.

Lawmakers allied to the Governor vowed to shoot down the motion which has gained momentum after Sonko’s defiance to work with NMS (Nairobi Metropolitan Services).

Sonko was also accused of graft, abuse of office, and violation of the constitution. However, Minority Whip Peter Imwatok expressed confidence that Sonko will be kicked out.

“We will proceed as planned and we expect him to appear before the Assembly today and defend himself,” Imwatok stated.

If ousted, Sonko’s fate will be at the mercy of the Senate which will approve or turn down the motion. He also has the liberty to challenge the issue in court. Speaker Benson Mutura will temporarily act as governor before a by-election takes place in case the motion succeeds.

President Uhuru Kenyatta (centre) with Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko (to his right) pose alongside his Members of the Nairobi County Assembly at State House on February 29, 2020.
President Uhuru Kenyatta (center) with Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko (to his right) poses alongside his Members of the Nairobi County Assembly at State House on February 29, 2020.

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