How Businesswoman Lost ksh200,000 In Less Than 5 Minutes


A 45-year-old trader narrated how she lost Ksh200,000 and personal documents to conmen in three minutes.

Jane Miano narrates how she was heading to Makutano market from Ngurubani Trading Centre, Kirinyaga County to buy cereals.

The 5-kilometer journey would take her more than 45 minutes.

Police officers at a scene in a previous incident
Police officers at a scene of crime in a previous incident

Much to her surprise, a driver pulled up and offered her a ride in their private car. Counting herself fortunate, Miano willingly accepted the driver’s offer and got in the car.

Inside the car were two other occupants who began a friendly conversation with Miano. She thought she was lucky to meet such friendly strangers out of the blues.

Suddenly, the driver stopped the car at a nearby Supermarket and handed Miano Ksh100 to grab a bottle of water. Without second-guessing, Miano jumped out off the car, leaving her purse behind and obliged to the driver’s request.

Soon after, Miano came back from the Supermarket only to find that the private car had sped off. It was at this moment that Miano realized that her personal documents and Ksh200,000 had been taken by the conmen.

“I was heading to the market to buy several bags of rice, I was running alone in the town like a madwoman after they fled with my money,” she narrated the ordeal to Citizen Digital.

The case has been taken up by police officers from Wang’uru police station to ensure the suspects are brought to book.

Cases of fraud have been on the surge as unsuspecting Kenyans keep falling for sneaky tactics used by perpetrators. 24 hours prior, three conmen had tried to dupe a 54-year-old woman with a proposal to sell her new sim cards.

The robbers had presented themselves as employees of a local telecommunication company.

The suspects are said to have accompanied the woman to her house as it was drizzling outside. It is alleged that the suspects sought to obtain her crucial data, and used it to transfer money from her mobile phone to theirs.

The transaction, however, caught the eye of her son who became concerned after seeing the notification on his mother’s phone.

Without raising eyebrows, he stood up, informed her mother and proceeded to lock the door with the suspects still inside the house.

The family then called police officers who went on to arrest the suspects.

Sign post of Wang'uru Police Station
Signpost of Wang’uru Police Station

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