United Kingdom To Offer Work Permits For Skilled Kenyans

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The United Kingdom will from January 2021 offer work permits to highly skilled Kenyans without degree-level qualifications.

Attaining the work permits will enable local job-seekers to compete with citizens from the European Union and other regions.

Requirements for job applicants in 2021 have been lowered to a minimum skill level of A-level or an equivalent, from the prior degree level required under the 27-member EU bloc system.

Job seekers in Nairobi
Job seekers in Nairobi

According to Britain’s Home Office, the new system will ensure that the UK has a large pool of skilled workers.

“EU and non-EU citizens will be treated fairly and equally,” the Home office promised.

Points will be awarded to citizens who have a job at an appropriate skill level, those who meet the salary threshold, those who have a job in a shortage occupation, English language skills and educational qualifications.

Some of the Kenyans who might benefit from the relaxed rules are those from fields such as; plumbing, electrical works, IT, and accountancy.

“An applicant’s job must be at the minimum skill level of A-level or equivalent, rather than degree level under the current system,” the British home office stated.

The opportunity serves as good news bearing in mind the negative economic effects that have been brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a census report released in February 2020, 38.9% of young Kenyans are jobless.

The report indicated that the youth were the hardest hit by unemployment compared to those who were above the age of 35 years.

“The conventional population of youth aged 18 to 34 was 13.7 million, out of which 61 percent were working while 1.6 million were seeking work or indicated that there was no work available,” KNBS Director-General Zachary Mwangi stated during the release of the findings.

Jobseekers queue on Wabera Street, Nairobi, as they wait to be interviewed by The Sarova Stanley on May 26, 2018.
Jobseekers queue on Wabera Street, Nairobi, as they wait to be interviewed by The Sarova Stanley on May 26, 2018.

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