Teammates Must Come up With a Plan in ‘As I Have Always Been’


The team is in big trouble in ‘As I Have Always Been’

Last time on Agents of Shield, something was wrong with the time drive. It kept throwing the team into the same moment over and over again. If it wasn’t fixed soon, it could cause something terrible to happen to this team. Yo-Yo went to a place seeking help, and brought May along with her. As this episode came to a close, Yo-Yo takes a big risk to save the team. Now the team is trapped in a strange storm in ‘As I Have Always Been’. I was able to watch a screener of this episode and here is what I thought of it.

You can read the premise for ‘As I Have Always Been’ here:

A time storm ravages the Zephyr, propelling it toward destruction while simultaneously forcing Daisy and Coulson to relive their failed attempts to save the team over and over until they find a solution or are swallowed by the storm. Making it to their next destination will take trust, courage and sacrifice from everyone on board, but it will all come down to having enough time.

Daisy awakens, and realizes quick that something is wrong in ‘As I Have Always Been’. It takes her a while to figure it out, but once she wakes up an old friend they start working to find a way to save the team. Doing this proves to be harder than either of them expected, especially once they find out something about a close friend. Yet thanks to someone making a big sacrifice, it looks like the team may get out of this storm alive.

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