The Late Dr. Mogusu Laid To Rest


The late Dr. Stephene Mogusu was on Monday laid to rest at his Iranda home in Kisii County.

The 28-year-old succumbed to the coronavirus disease and has since become the poster card of the doctors push for improved working environments.

Mogusu while working at Machakos county died without earning a salary for about five months.

His death sparked public outrage and debate that has been alive since.

At the burial, his father Naftal Ongeno and wife Agnes Moraa said Mogusu was their only son and his death has robbed them of a dependable person who had a bright future.

KMPDU officials also attended the burial after launching their nationwide strike at a Kisii hotel

KMPDU members pay their last respects to the fallen doctor

KMPDU members pay their last respects to the fallen doctor

They defied early calls by the government to stop the strike.

Speaking at the burial KMPDU  Secretary General Chibanzi Mwachonda described Mogusu as a hero who died for a country that cares little about his rights.

“How long are we going to lose such young brilliant health care staff just because we have a government that has abandoned its post and neglected to attend to their plight?” posed Chibanzi.

He said as doctors they would not relent even in the face of sacking threats by the government until health Minister Mutahi Kagwe begins to ‘behave’.

It was a no show for politicians as villagers turned up in hundreds to mourn the young doctor.

Ailing Mogusu tweeted hours apart before he breathed his last two weeks ago.

He hailed from a humble family, his father being a Seventh Day Adventist church elder.

Kisii County Secretary, Patrick Lumumba said they will offer Mogusu’s widow Jackline Kung’u a job at the devolved unit

County boss James Ongwae was in Nairobi and is part of the team organizing the burial of Nyamira Governor John Nyagarama and sent apologies.

He however said in a speech he is committed to negotiating with doctors to end their strike.

He said that patients are going through great suffering in the face of the strike by strike.

Casket with remains of the fallen doctor

Casket with remains of the fallen doctor

KMPDU chairman Samuel Oroko asked the government to provide National Health Insurance Fund ( NHIF) cover to all Kenyans.

He also called for the proper equipping of public hospitals in the face of the rising Covid-19 infections.

He however stressed the need for the government to foster a good relationship with health care professionals by giving them the allowances they are demanding.

The union official wants the government to fast track the importation of the anti covid 19 vaccine to stem further infections.

He urged the Doctors to continue with their work and prayed that they do not contract the Covid 19 like her son, adding his death was a great loss to the family.

Area Ward Representative, John Amisi appealed to the Mutahi Kagwe to stop threats to sack striking health workers

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