Spare Us No Or Yes Camps, Not Interested- DP Ruto Pn BBI


Deputy President William Ruto has reiterated that he is not after a divisive competition in determining the fate of the BBI Bill 2020.

Ruto said that majority of the BBI proponents are pushing them to a corner to declare a NO campaign against BBI.

He urged the BBI team to listen to their proposals, adding that the country has one Constitution which should reflect the issues of all Kenyans.

“Listen to the merit of what we are saying. Do not dare us to a contest which we are not interested in. We want a progressive Constitution,” Ruto said.

The DP was speaking at Bishop Margaret Wanjiru’s church, Jesus is Alive Ministries on Sunday where he presided over a fundraiser, accompanied by a number of MPs.

Ruto insisted that it is possible for a BBI referendum to be held in 2022 during the general election.

“The Election’s Act already provides that we can have a referendum with either one question if we only one issue or multiple questions if we have more than one issue.”

He continued that:

“And because we have more than one issue in this referendum… we should have a multiple-choice referendum, and that is what we are asking. So that Kenyans can express themselves and make choices.”

He said that Kenyans are aware of what they will choose or not, and should be allowed to choose what they want for themselves.

“There are many who are pushing for us to go and vote Yes or No. I want to tell them that we are not interested in a contest, we are interested in doing the right thing in our constitution. Listen to what we are saying…don’t dare us to a contest or to a competition. We are not interested.”

Dagoretti South MP John Kiarie said during the service that the government should focus on the issues that are affecting Kenyans at the moment, including coronavirus, reopening schools, and dealing with the desert locusts.

South Mmogirango legislator Silvanus Osoro said that the taxpayer will face it rough to facilitate the enlarged Executive and the Legislature.

Osoro added that those who are pushing for a yes/no referendum are only interested in sidelining the DP ahead of the 2022 general elections.

His remarks were echoed by Kericho County Senator Aaron Cheruiyot who said that some of the politicians are using the referendum as a tool for political mobilization.

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