Q&A: Sustaining Your Small Business in These Times


I hosted 2 free public Q&A’s to support small business owners during these difficult times. In this first video, I discussed:

  1. How to survive as a solopreneur in this climate of social distancing?
  2. How do we offer our work online? Suggested tools?
  3. Paypal buttons: any advice on using them? What about pay-what-you-can?
  4. FB Ads: tips for how to know whether it’s working or not?
  5. Any tips for just getting started with business? Who is our ideal audience?

Here are the topics of the 2nd video:

  1. Time-management related… In unsettling times — how do you keep up with the schedule and with discipline?
  2. How do you consistently keep writing every day?
  3. How to make offers during this unsettling time, and not be taking advantage of the vulnerable?
  4. Webinar, FB live, Zoom, YouTube, Instagram live… pro’s and con’s of each?
  5. Facebook Ads 101

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