    Peter Kenneth - Newsday Kenya
    Peter Kenneth - Newsday Kenya

    The decision by Peter Kenneth to join the corrupt incompetent and disastrous Jubilee regime will be judged harshly by history. I always interpreted his not being vocal about the regime’s impunity as coded message of his support. Today this is no longer a matter of conjecture or speculation; we have it on his authority.


    If I were a voter in Nairobi or any of the county’s he purports have approached him to save them I would not vote for him and never will I in any future elections whether of MCA or President. There is nothing more disgusting about our current politicians than their lack of principles. Our spineless politicians would rather be politically correct for power’s sake than stand for what is good for this country. Kenneth did not even bother to tell us why he is supporting the regime. May be as a Kikuyu he believes it is his birthright which no one should question.


    Today as Kenyans starve to death because of Jubilee’s corruption and incompetence Peter Kenneth cannot afford a single word for them. They matter nothing. I guess he rejoices in the politics of ensuring that the poor remain on life support with energy only sufficient to show up on polling day.

    I believe the worst mistake we made in 2003 after the elections was failure to punish those who plundered the country. Those elected could not do that because they were heavily compromised. This is how the war on corruption was lost and the reason we are where we are. We must learn from the past.

    This country must make a clean break with the past failing which its future is very dim. Peter Kenneth has chosen to join the bandwagon and be a conveyor belt of graft because of petty short term political gains. It is highly probable that his actions confirm the rumours that he is not Mr. Clean after all.

    A Better Future for All

    We are not looking for an angel to lead this country. However the person we are looking for must be consistent in speaking against the ills being meted upon the citizens of this country by the ruling elite. He/she must totally delink from the purveyor of plunder both past and present. He/she must be selfless and always stand with the oppressed regardless of the risks involved. He/she must stand for what is right even when it angers the powers that be and derails their path to success. As for Peter Kenneth his interests come first and those of the poor can as well go to hell.

    By giving in and surrendering to the forces of corruption on cheap ethnic calculations, Kenneth has betrayed the fact that he is unable to rise above tribal politics. He has betrayed the trust of those who supported him, crushed their hopes, insulted their intelligence and desecrated their faith. He is not the one this country has been waiting for. We must keep the search on. The struggle continues. #JubileeMustFall#

    Ephraim Njega is a social commentator. Follow him on Facebook HERE

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